A few notes on touring:

It's really cold up North. I used to live there when I can't remember, but wow. The snow seems to justify it.
4 books in bag = 10 sets of laughter = literary tom props.
We forgot we needed something between our drums and the floor. Ha! Calvino's now covered in wine, but it's ok.
Contact mikes are gold dust.
Don't tell anyone how you think it went until they tell you.
The words "you were amazing" mean absolutely nothing to me. I'm not ungrateful, just don't see the relevancy in over-emphatic tones. 3 things I don't mind: great, good and thumbs. Shifty eyes are also ok.
After one day, we discovered that none of us really knew why we were wearing black veils. Any which way, mesh = fun.
Keeping merch tallies is better than watching sport.
Christina's the best driver I've ever driven with. She gets lost in style when I think I know where I'm going, and sings along to her tapes too. (Tape highlight = 2 Morro Morro Land off Hypermagic Mountain. Reminded me I haven't given it enough time)
Finding a place to sleep isn't as hard as it would at first seem.
Finish the set with "And does anyone have space for 4 girls?" and you end up with people who hang paper skeletons in their corridors. Saul had to wake up his housemate: "If I don't, he won't believe me in the morning when you're gone."
The Liars use GPS and listen to + broadcast their ipod a lot. Aymie says Bon Jovi = tour bus hit. (Apparently their next album's going metal). I had to flick through (can't help being curious). Remember gaps more than anything: there's no 'electronica' on there. No Wolf Eyes / Black Dice either. Lots of Eno though, and they played Dizzee Rascal's I Luv U remix a lot.
The Liars say that Leopard Leg are "the best thing to happen to us."
Being able to hear oneself = overrated = impossible = the best thing that ever happened to us.
If we could, we'd play in the dark every time.
sounds like good fun
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