London Architecture Biennale | June 16 - 25
So, I planned my itinerary over a month ago. I couldn't help it, the architecture week website has little boxes you can tick which result in a personalised email. My highlights:

London Architecture Biennale - Route Wayfinding: Jason Bruges Studio are using a network of magenta weather balloons over London to make people look up at buildings. Wow.
15 Spaces: walk around the City including hidden spaces looking at the way people navigate the area.
Rem Koolhaas at the Barbican: talking about the future of London's skyline.
Regeneration Debate: Urban planners talk about sustainability.

Lagos/Koolhaas: Koolhaas takes his students to the Nigerian city.
Social Cinema :open air screenings @ Scoop: AA students screen their short films.
Social Cinema: A Series Of Temporary Cinemas Neglected space around landmark buildings become cinemas for a night. Like St. Paul's walk underneath Millenium bridge.

Future City: Experiment and Utopia in Architecture 1956 - 2006 (Found out about the new Barbican show via email titled Would you swap your semi in surrey for an ice-house? Ha)
Southwark Architecture: historical artefacts on show, but also new proposals for development across the borough.
Materials of Invention: 100 Years of Construction Innovation. Technologies since the '30s and predictions of future trends.
Bike Tours
The Changing Face Of London: Urban Change And Regeneration
Water Cycle: Contemporary Architecture Along Rivers And Canals In Central London

The Paper Bridge: School children make a 6 metre paper suspension bridge in Clerkenwell.
Bill Fontana Harmonic Bridge: The vibrations made by pedestrians and weather conditions on the Millenium Bridge transformed into sound installation. Yes!
Stuff I can't bundle: Pecha Kucha where participants show 20 slides in 20 seconds. And let down of the week: a Railings exhibition which isn't a retrospective of our city's railing design, but instead an exhibition of paper affixed to the things. Grr.

London Architecture Biennale - Route Wayfinding: Jason Bruges Studio are using a network of magenta weather balloons over London to make people look up at buildings. Wow.
15 Spaces: walk around the City including hidden spaces looking at the way people navigate the area.
Rem Koolhaas at the Barbican: talking about the future of London's skyline.
Regeneration Debate: Urban planners talk about sustainability.

Lagos/Koolhaas: Koolhaas takes his students to the Nigerian city.
Social Cinema :open air screenings @ Scoop: AA students screen their short films.
Social Cinema: A Series Of Temporary Cinemas Neglected space around landmark buildings become cinemas for a night. Like St. Paul's walk underneath Millenium bridge.

Future City: Experiment and Utopia in Architecture 1956 - 2006 (Found out about the new Barbican show via email titled Would you swap your semi in surrey for an ice-house? Ha)
Southwark Architecture: historical artefacts on show, but also new proposals for development across the borough.
Materials of Invention: 100 Years of Construction Innovation. Technologies since the '30s and predictions of future trends.
Bike Tours
The Changing Face Of London: Urban Change And Regeneration
Water Cycle: Contemporary Architecture Along Rivers And Canals In Central London

The Paper Bridge: School children make a 6 metre paper suspension bridge in Clerkenwell.
Bill Fontana Harmonic Bridge: The vibrations made by pedestrians and weather conditions on the Millenium Bridge transformed into sound installation. Yes!
Stuff I can't bundle: Pecha Kucha where participants show 20 slides in 20 seconds. And let down of the week: a Railings exhibition which isn't a retrospective of our city's railing design, but instead an exhibition of paper affixed to the things. Grr.
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