Sesame Street | Born to Add.

Look out for: the 4th policeman springing out of the shadows, and Clarence's sax solo. (Take it away Clarence):

This kind of thing totally inspired 1992's "Digital Clock". (creative commons license pending)
Malcolm Gladwell on the sticky birth of Oscar the grouch.
There's a german version of Rubber Ducky, called Quietscheentchen.
"digital clock" was inspired by time and time alone. Maybe also the difficulties of living the 8.30 to 3.30 life.
"the inspiration of time" - truism of the day.
Everything has an antecedent, you can't deny the value of early morning tv on our subsequent musical output.
And now I spend a portion of my free time pretending I'm the ghost of a ship that sunk 500 years ago... oh dear.
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