while my guitar violently bleeds | paris

Maxime is organising a festival in Paris at Les Voutes. It's nice there, under archways near the river and the Simone de Beauvoir bridge, right next to the BNF. He organises lots and lots of gigs under the name of ali fib, all of which can be found on the myspace.
rubber suit | alex tsiridis

Me: why did you call the record rubber suit?
Alex: Because it felt right.
Me: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah. It has rubbery bass.
Me: What do you think about the typeface?
Alex: Oh right. Um. Do we have to talk about the typeface?
Me: No. What would you rather talk about, Alex?
Alex: This is the best interview ever.
Me: I know.
Alex: Let's talk about bass and treble in human relationships.
Me: ah hmm. How do you mean?
Alex: How long will this go on for, Miranda?
Me: Not long. Tell us about what you're doing tonight, Alex.
Alex: I'm on resonance fm on the Process Minimal show.
Me: Will you shout out for mimi?
Alex: I so will. It was the first thing that came to mind when I knew I was going on the radio.
Me: I'm touched. I will now listen to your songs on myspace.
Me: Thanks for sitting next to me in the studio today Alex, I really like it.
Alex: It's been incredible. Go buy my record on Monday.
meet the world.



Icaro Doria works at the Portuguese paper "Grande Reportagem" and has made some ace graphics. More flags can be seen here.



Icaro Doria works at the Portuguese paper "Grande Reportagem" and has made some ace graphics. More flags can be seen here.