Things this week:

Wim Wenders is the guest of Tania Ketenjian
Sight Unseen
Resonance FM
Tuesday 28 / 03 13:00 - 13:30

Melanie Manchot at Fred gallery, Vyner Street.
Wednesday 29 / 03 18:30 - 20:30 ( to 07 / 05)
Melanie went to Ibiza and befriended the superclubs' security guards. Then got them to undress for her. Now it's a video installation.
"His skin would seem to burst over such a mass of muscle. Buried in his clumsy movements is that sense of sadness of an over bred species, caught in his own monstrous body. He is a paradoxical creature: built to please, to be looked at, yet how can such an absurd body engage in sex, other than with itself......"
Translated from an essay on Ibiza titled "Around the clock, always on the edge" by Dirk Peitz.
Takeaway festival: DIY media
Dana Centre, Science Museum.
Wednesday 29 / 03 - 31 / 03
Looks like a lot of great talking / listening / making / doing. And MAzine are involved, so that's good.
(Here's them on Ryoji Ikeda the other night. And I thought the 2nd half was data-slapstick...)

Area10, Peckham Square.
Node closing party. Looks busy.
"Starting in the early afternoon and into the night the programme will host meetings, concerts, digital shorts, installations, performances, VJs and DJs, laptop musicos, cyber-wrestlers, CCTV hackers and circuit benders + much more."
You can choose your cyber-wrestling champion and receive free support items here. Yeah I'm going for the girl.
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